The need to take action on the gender perspective in the music industry, as well as in the cultural sector in general, an issue becoming increasingly important in the global agenda has become evident. In this sense, the Instituto Distrital de las Artes - Idartes, as artistic practices agent in Bogota, recognizes the importance of creating mechanisms to get rid of gender violence in the cultural sphere and takes actions to contribute significantly to this purpose.
From May 2 to 9, Idartes and the Argentinian Instituto Nacional de Música - INAMU –Music National Institute– will open spaces for reflection and dialogue around labor violence, harassment and sexual abuse in the music industry, as well as the diversity inclusion in this sector as part of this commitment.
INAMU included a Gender Agenda in 2018 under the vice presidency of Paula Rivera highlighted by UNESCO. The Idartes - INAMU alliance will allow – not only the knowledge exchange – but an agenda construction with concrete actions. “Both entities have participated in working groups where common interests were identified on this issue since October 2021, leading us to propose this conference to discuss gender in different instances”, says Catalina Valencia Tobon, Idartes director.
A round table will be held on Monday, May 2 to discuss labor violence, harassment and sexual abuse in the music industry with different sector agents as part of this alliance. Paula Rivera, former Argentinian INAMU vice-president will share her experience on how gender policies were developed, among other actions as part of the institution’s Gender Agenda, and she will discuss how to establish protocols for action and support.
This session is aimed at people and/or group representatives having, or wanting to take into account a gender approach for the music industry, as well as entities working in the sector and needing to lay down care protocols. Those who wish to participate can register through this link.
On Tuesday, May 3 at 6:00 p.m., at El Castillo de las Artes – the Arts Castle–, Sinfonías Disidentes –Dissident Symphonies– will be held, a discussion group between Susy Shock, well-known Argentinian transgender artist, Paula Rivera from INAMU, Samantha Garcia, leader and Trans gender artistic ensemble Les FantastiquEs, and Cindyrella Nuñez, artist and historic leader of the Santa Fe neighborhood transgender movement and the Olimpo Collective.
This meeting will revolve around the transgender community musical, social and pedagogical work, based on the Santa Fe neighborhood community views and the Susy Shock intervention defining herself as the transgender beaner artist, and who had a strong role in the transgender people inclusion in the music industry. It will be a dialogue on artistic creation and diversity, where experiences will be exchanged, recognizing the problems, violence, resilient and territorial artistic experiences.
The Argentinean bands San Ignacio and Luciana Tagliaprieta, as well as Flor de Jamaica and Romperayo from Colombia will perform on Friday, May 6 at Parque de los Novios from 3:00 p.m. on the Maria Mercedes Carranza Mobile Stage for closing the event.