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Idartes, special guest at BIME PRO in Spain

Between October 27 and 29, Catalina Valencia Tobón, director of Idartes, will participate in this outstanding international meeting.
Artist photography on stage

Bilbao, capital of Vizcaya in Spain, has been organizing since 2013 the BIME PRO, one of the most recognized international events of live music, industry, trends and innovation. This event mainly seeks to boost the music and cultural industry, generate new business, promote emerging talent, share knowledge and create synergies between continents.

For this edition, Catalina Valencia Tobón, director of the Instituto Distrital de las Artes – Idartes, will participate as one of the guest panelists at this outstanding Iberoamerican musical event in the presentation "Music as a tool for social transformation", together with Daniel Sadurni, president and founder of HCXHC, Diego Lafita, from Dalecandela, and Diego Gómez, creative director of Llorona Records and Discos Pacífico. 

Thanks to this participation, the great opportunities and the musical, cultural and artistic power of Bogotá, which in April 2022 will become the venue for BIME and a center for innovation, technology and networking, will be socialized. Additionally, the director of Idartes will meet with various experts and professionals from organizations such as Acción Cultural Española, the Fundación Germán Sánchez - Casa Lector, the Consejería Cultural del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Femnoise and the Fundación Bilbao Arte.